Speech and Debate Team

Mrs. Joanna DiPeppe

My husband and I moved to Aiken in the summer of 2021 after teaching in Brevard County, Florida for 20 years, raising our son, and sending him to the University of Florida. We are now building a mini-farm and enjoying life with our dog, Huckleberry; our cat, Bella; our pony, Sweet Pea; and our mini, Miss Penny, while also continuing to pursue our career goals as teachers, now at South Aiken High, where we began teaching in the fall of 2021. 

I am a Nationally Board Certified teacher, with an Undergraduate Degree in English and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I have just completed my 27th year of teaching, 23 of which have included instruction of AP English Language and Composition. Additionally, over the years, I have supported the writing and speaking endeavors of my students by developing programs such as Creative Communications and Speech and Debate, and I am excited to bring some of this experience to South Aiken. In 2022-2023, I became the Speech and Debate Club Coach and the 2023-2024 school year will be year one of my new Creative Writing program, in which curriculum will be tailored to meet the needs of individual students, whether they desire support during college application and/or scholarship essay writing, or  just love to write.

I am looking forward to many years at South Aiken and to getting to know my students each year!