Bell Schedules

W.I.N. Time

South Aiken High School is always looking to improve and innovate and with that idea in mind we initiated Power Hour during the 2016-2017 school year.  However, coming off of two and a quarter years of COVID related issues we felt like the 2022-2023 school year was the perfect time to rebrand.  Therefore, say goodbye to Power Hour and hello to W.I.N. Time.  Thoroughbreds are elite horses bred to be win at the highest level and our South Aiken Thoroughbreds are no different and W.I.N. Time is designed to facilitate these wins.  W.I.N. is an acronym which stands for What I Need and we we our T-Breds to use W.I.N. Time to use to get What They Need.  This could be eating, socialization, tutoring, studying, mental decompression, and much more.  So make sure you're using W.I.N. Time to get what you need and please continue reading for a deeper dive into W.I.N. Time.

SAHS W.I.N. Time is the time for students to eat lunch and participate in structured or individual learning time. W.I.N. Time is a privilege that may be revoked at the discretion of administration. Students are encouraged to use this time to seek out additional assistance from a teacher, participate in study groups, utilize resources, and participate in club activities. Students in danger of failing a course will be issued an academic invitation wherein he/she will be encouraged to attend sessions with a teacher to receive academic support.  Students who fail to attend sessions based on academic invitations may be placed under Administrator Contract requiring attendance at an academic session and will be issued consequences for failure to comply with the contract.  Administration will utilize W.I.N. Time at various times throughout the school year to host assemblies for small groups or grade level groups of students according to need.  

We encourage all students to help keep our school clean during W.I.N. Time by discarding all lunch trash.  All school and district Code of Conduct rules should be adhered to during W.I.N. Time.  Parking lots, auditorium, athletic fields and other outside areas, with the exception of the courtyard, are off limits during W.I.N. Time .  Students who abuse W.I.N. Time by loitering in unauthorized areas or violating policies are subject to discipline. Students may not leave campus during W.I.N. Time unless they follow the appropriate sign out procedures through the attendance office.  

** Students may not accept lunch deliveries at school from parents, other students or businesses.