History of Los Pura Sangre de Simón Bolívar

Aiken, South Carolina

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios (24 July 1783 – 17 December 1830), was our George Washington in Venezuela. He led his forces against the Spaniards in multiple battles. After many unsuccessful attempts, it was on July 5, 1811, that the congress approved it, making Venezuela the first South American nation free from the Spanish dominion. Bolivar later freed other Latin American countries, becoming well-known by the name of "El Libertador". Simon Bolivar was a dreamer who believed in democracy, he wanted many nations to be independent. He dreamed big, worked hard for it and conquered!

He was a "criollo" born in Venezuela with a Spanish family, but he also saw the injustice and learned from his great teachers ideas of freedom. He rode his Thoroughbred, which was his elegant white horse. Because I am from Venezuela, it is my pleasure to create this chapter at our school, honoring the one that freed my country. Considering his Pura Sangre (Thoroughbred), I thought it was a great way to unite somehow both cultures. That's how I created the name of Los Pura Sangre de Simon Bolivar for our chapter. We are all Thoroughbreds!

Thanks to the help and support of principal Samuel Fuller, our chapter is a reality today. It was approved on March 26th of 2023. We will have our very first induction ceremony of the first members ever to this chapter to the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica this Fall 2023. You can be part of this select group of students. I created this chapter to recognize all of you who have worked hard and have accomplished the difficult but fulfilling task of learning a foreign language successfully and whom in general enjoy Spanish and appreciate the Hispanic culture.

I am beyond excited to see what this year brings us, and many more to come. If you are one of these students, I can't wait to grow as a club together.

Con mucho aprecio y cariño a todos los estudiantes de Español en South Aiken HS,

Hellen Eichler

Sponsor of Los Pura Sangre de Simón Bolívar chapter.