Sam Fuller enters his seventh year as principal of South Aiken High School after a successful school year that saw the launching of Block Scheduling at South Aiken and the introduction of the Modified Year Round Calendar. The 2023-2024 school year is an experience that Mr. Fuller will look to use as a tool to build with as well as an avenue of reflection on what South Aiken can be for the South Aiken Family. Mr. Fuller is driven in his work by his love of people and desire to see them successful in life and because of this he feels his purpose is to provide every South Aiken student the highest quality high school experience and the South Aiken Community a school they can be proud of. To fulfill his purpose Mr. Fuller’s focus will be in two areas; the safety and security of the South Aiken Family and a superior academic and extracurricular experience for the South Aiken community.
Fuller’s academic background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from The Citadel, a Master of Education degree in Divergent Learning degree from Columbia College, and a Master of Education degree in School Administration from the University of South Carolina. He is also currently in enrolled in the Education Specialist Degree Program at the University of South Carolina with a major in Education Administration. Fuller took on the role of principal after a three year stint as an assistant principal at South Aiken High School. Fuller has also served as a teacher and football coach at Aiken Middle School, teacher and basketball coach at Sumter High School in Sumter County, teacher and basketball coach at Hillcrest High School in Greenville County, and special education aide and basketball coach at Goose Creek High School in Berkeley County.
“My goal at South Aiken in the 2024-2025 school year is to continue our efforts to deliver on our promise of Every Thoroughbred, Every Day, All Means ALL! We will place an unprecedented emphasis on Student LEARNING and Quality Teaching while also pushing positive relationships to the forefront of everything we do. As always the safety and security of our faculty, staff, students, and families is our first priority, and we will educate with that understanding. At South Aiken we begin with the end in mind and that end is to produce good citizens who are prepared to be Employed, Enrolled, Enlisted, or an Entrepreneur!”
Phone: (803) 641-2600
Degrees and Certifications:
The Citadel - B.S. Physical Education
Columbia College - M.Ed. Divergent Learning University of South Carolina - M.Ed. Educational Leadership