Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is the US Honors Society for high school and 2-year college students intersted in Mathematics. Its' goal is to promote enjoyment and passion for Math, and develop strong scholarship on the subject. Students with at least one High School Math credit with A or B average in an Honors class or A in a CP class can join. South Aiken Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta organizes Sidewalk Art Festival, every year on Friday of the Homecoming week. The funds collected from this activity are used to sponsor participation of students in Math Team to competitions like USC High School Math Contest, COFC Math Meet, and AMC 10-12. Students with outstanding contributions to these events are awarded scholarships.
Competitions Memories

Become a Member
Are you passionate about solving math problems, want to improve your problem solving skills, and enjoy working in a team?
Come join our local chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, National High School and 2-year College Math Honors Society.
We meet during the 1st half of WIN in Room 225.
Join our REMIND by texting the following code: @sahsmat to the number 81010 in order to get updates about when we meet!
Students in Math Team participate in several math competitions including USC Columbia Math Contest and College of Charleston Math Meet. Our club sponsors Sidewalk Art every year on Homecoming Friday, and provide peer tutoring upon request.