Membership Types and fees

“Los Pura Sangre de Simón Bolívar ” Chapter

Membership Fees 2023 - 24.

$30 for Spanish Honors Society and Spanish Club.

$15 for Spanish Honor Society only.

Important! You can still apply if:

  1. You have not taken AP Spanish in previous years but have already taken Spanish 3 Honors.

  2. You are not taking AP Spanish in fall 2024.

  3. You did not receive an invitation from your teacher or Señora Eichler, but you know you have had an average of 3.5 (85 points) in Spanish for the last three semesters you took the class.

  4. You are a heritage student who has not taken Spanish at this school because you decided to take another foreign language.

  5. You still have questions, just send me an email Hellen Eichler

Ready to apply?

Hellen Eichler
Email Hellen Eichler