Spanish Honor Society
Sociedad Honoraria Hispanánica
Los Pura Sangre de Simón Bolívar
Aiken, South Carolina

The SHH was formally organized as the Spanish National Honor Society in 1953. The name was changed to Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica in 1959. At present there are over 3,500 national and international chapters of the SHH.
The Mission Of The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica.
To recognize high-level achievement of high school students grades 10th - 12th in the study of Spanish (and Portuguese).
To promote a continuing interest in the study of Spanish and its respective culture.
Why should I consider joining? Learning a foreign language is hard but fulfilling. You have succeeded and your grades show it. Another reason may be that you enjoy and appreciate the Hispanic culture. So, wouldn't it be great to be recognized for your efforts, but also be part of a group of students that share the excitement of appreciating another language and culture? Plus, along with the National Honor Society, your resume will look great!
Membership for 2023-24
Accepted students will meet on AUGUST 3rd DURING WIN TIME to receive important information.
Qualifications for Membership
To be eligible for membership in the SHH, students must meet the following criteria:
Student must be actively enrolled in or have taken all Spanish classes offered.
Student who have taken an upper level AP Spanish or Dual Enrollment of a Spanish course at USCA can also be inducted in Fall.
Student must have completed three semesters, or must be taking his/er third semester (Spanish 3) as of Fall when the Induction ceremony takes place. New students planning on taking AP Spanish Language and Culture course when offered during the Spring semester, can also be inducted in Fall of that same year if needed.
Transfer students must have spent one full semester in the program at South Aiken High School before eligibility.
Student must have an overall GPA of 85% or higher.
Student must have a cumulative Spanish average of 3.5 or higher from all previous courses.
Student must never have failed a class due to attendance.
Student must have a good behavior record and no discipline issues like OSS on record.
Heritage students who have not taken Spanish at this school because they decided to take another foreign language, are welcome to apply as well.
Visit the section membership types and fees to fill out the request to join form.