Dress Code

Students are expected to dress appropriately for school, in compliance with this dress code, common sense and decency. Students in violation of the dress code may be denied access to class until such time as the problem is corrected to the satisfaction of school administration. A student may contact a parent/guardian to bring them a change of clothing. Failure to correct the problem by these measures will result in the student being sent to In-School Suspension for the remainder of the school day. Administration will answer any questions about appropriateness; their decisions are final.  

 If in violation of the dress code he/she should: 

  1. Report to the main office with an agenda pass. 

  2. Students will be given the opportunity to contact a parent to bring up a change of clothing.  The student will remain in ISS until a change of clothing is provided.  If clothing is not changed, student will stay in ISS for the remainder of the school day.   

  3. Report directly back to class with the same agenda pass signed by the office. 

Infractions will be recorded in student’s discipline file and discipline will be issued according to the Aiken County Public School Code of Conduct.  Chronic dress code violations will be coded as refusal to obey (270) and will sent to administration.