Student placing a pin on the Coast-to-Coast college acceptance Board
Journey Mays and Tora Stokes, biomedical students from the Aiken County Career & Technology Center, with physician and teacher Christie Palladino at the "Power Up Your Future Career and College Day" on Feb. 27.
Patti Monczewski, Chief Operating Officer of Aiken Regional Medical Centers, and Warrenville Elementary principal Charlene Heard on Feb.28
ACPSD superintendent Corey Murphy with five students who qualified to compete in the Regional Spelling Bee.
Aiken High School Logo.
Six Department of Student Service Staff members with bikes for students in front of Christmas tree in office.
An African American Girl lounging on a couch with a laptop.
Nic Carroll Headshot
Image of a Girl Looking at her cell phone in a classroom. Image by Bruce Mars.
Former Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon, Betty Ryberg, Diana Floyd, and Ahmed Samaha after the 2014 Sales Tax Passed.
, "Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in."  MLK’s Speech at the March for Integrated Schools, April 18, 1959
Department of Justice Logo/Seal.
Three Aiken Intermediate School Staff Members in Library with Books
SRP Federal Credit Union ACPSD High School Debit Card Photo
Midland Valley High Greenhouse with plants
SRS Teacher Grant Winners Gathered for a Photo
Students at Midland Valley High School spell out the letters "MVHS" in American Sign Language (ASL). This is the first ASL course in Aiken County. Pictured from left to right: Josalynn Crawford, Fernando Rosales, Shelby Driver, Chloe Wade.
Lori Miller Headshot