Jacket Cyber Teams

Sponsor Name: Michelle O'Rourke

Email: morourke@acpsd.net

Pixels with Yellow block

About: CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future. ​At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation's largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks. Other programs include AFA CyberCamps, an elementary school cyber education initiative, a children’s literature series, CyberGenerations –a seni​​​​or citizen cyber safety initiative, and a Tech Caregivers program designed to encourage cyber-savvy volunteers to give back to their communities.

Membership: Everyone is invited to join the CyberPatriots Competition team. Interested members should complete the following form:

CyberPatriot Competition Interest Form

Meetings: TBD


Circle with CyberPatriot Logo

Cyber competitions are a great way to discover and learn the world of cybersecurity.  Most cyber competitions are free & allow students to master their skills & earn prizes & scholarships.  Some of the competitions include: Cyber Patriot XIVCyberstart America and CERTS Cyber Challenge at the Georgia Cyber Center. 

In 2022, NAHS had the most registered participants in Cyberstart America in the state of South Carolina!

As our program grows, we will continue to add other cyber events to our calendar, such as:

 The National Cyber League

Carnegie Mellon University picoCTF


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Jacket Cyber Teams students