
Warrenville Elementary - Mission Statement, Vision and Goals 

The Mission of Aiken County Public Schools, the unifying agent of new horizons and extraordinary possibilities, is to ensure all students thrive as future-ready, globally mindful, and productive citizens through a responsive and inclusive school system distinguished by  

  • High quality and student-centered learning experiences

  • Transformative, stakeholder partnerships

  • A culture of purpose, innovation, and excellence

We believe that:

Each individual has inherent genius and value that benefit from inspiration and nurture.

Safe and secure environments are paramount for success.

Access to equitable opportunities is a fundamental right for all.

Proactive and collaborative approaches cultivate growth and success.

Clear, precise communication that is inclusive and timely is essential for a successful system.

Responsible and accountable citizens demonstrate strength of character. 

A community's stability and strength are rooted in its connectedness. 

Embracing a changing world sparks innovation.