Research Requests

The Aiken County School District is committed to upholding the highest standards in educational research, including full compliance with ethical and legal codes of conduct involving human subjects. If you are interested in conducting research affiliated with Aiken County Public Schools including in any school or classroom, please review these guidelines which outlines the approval and application process.

The guidelines and approval process applies to all teachers, staff, students, other personnel, or researchers outside of the Aiken County School District who are interested in conducting any type of research either within the District or in any Aiken County school or classroom.

If you are an ACPSD employee who is conducting research as part of a doctoral dissertation or Action Research project, please submit as much supporting documentation as is available. Supporting documentation would include proof of Human Subjects training, your proposal summary, Institutional Review Board (IRB) application, approval and/or waiver, copies of any surveys you plan to administer, letters of assent/consent (as applicable) etc.

These documents should be scanned along with the application in the link below and submitted to the Office of Accountability and Assessment attn: Kate Olin Email Kate Olin or Lisa Herbold Email Lisa Herbold .

Applications should be submitted well in advance of your planned research. Please allow up to four weeks for a response. 

Research Application & Guidelines for Conducting Research