Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
From 7:00-7:15 am- Only students will enter the building and they will go to the cafeteria. Students will have the option to eat breakfast.
From 7:15-7:30 am- Students not eating breakfast will go straight to their classrooms. Parents are welcome to walk with their students to the classroom door and then say their "goodbyes!"
If you are driving through carline, please make sure to watch our signs up front; stopping completely for unloading and pulling forward when time. Also, make sure your student is ready to exit the car. When the sign says stop, students are encouraged to get out of their cars independently and head in. For families walking in, please wait at the crosswalk until a staff member can escort you safely across!
Because breakfast is served in the cafeteria, no food or drinks besides water bottles will be allowed at student's desk.
Afternoon dismissal is at 2:30 pm each school day. Students cannot be signed out from the office after 2:00pm.
Anyone picking up a student in carline will need to have a car tag visible.
Students who are walkers will exit either by the kindergarten playground or at the front of the school. Remember, walkers must walk from school to a residence. We will not dismiss students from walker exits to a vehicle.
To avoid a backup of traffic, please go down Palmetto Avenue left on Piedmont Avenue, left on Belair Road, right on Rhomboid Place, and then a right on Monterey Avenue. This will loop traffic around where it doesn't back up.