Senior Information
The Wagener-Salley High Seniors will be completing their traditional walk through the halls of their elementary and middle school this Thursday! All homeschool, charter, private, and other ACPSD school Class of 2024 graduates that attended these schools are encouraged to participate! Please contact Mrs. Shackleford at Email Mrs. Shackleford
Line up begins in the Busbee Parking lot at 8:15 AM. Walk begins at 8:30AM. Please make sure to wear your cap, gown,& stole. Field Trip forms due by Mrs. Shackleford by Tuesday, May 7th.
Friday, May 10th @ Lunch
The Wagener-Salley 2024 yearbook will be distributed this Friday @ Lunch.
There is a limited supply of yearbooks left for purchase. First Come, First Serve!
$59.40 each EXACT CASH or CHECK payable to WSHS. See Mrs. Shackleford
Yearbooks and Senior Ads must be purchased online at: Order Yearbooks and/or Senior Ads Here!!