Battle of the Books
2023-2024 High School Battle of the Books

All of Us Villains
Amanda Foody & C.L. Herman
Sharon Cameron
Enduring Freedom
Jawad Arash & Trent Reedy
The Girls I've Been
Tess Sharpe
Project Hail Mary
Andy Weir
The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss
Amy Noelle Parks
Vinyl Moon
Mahogany L. Browne
Battle of the Books is a reading competition designed to improve reading and comprehension while building enthusiasm for reading using a fun and unique competition format. Students will compete in teams to demonstrate their knowledge of 7 preselected books.
Please see Ms. Loy in August to sign up. In the meantime, please begin reading the books! All titles can be found in the WSHS library, the public libary, your local bookstore and/or Amazon! You MAY check them out over the summer. See Ms. Loy if you have any questions.
BoB Teams:
Teams may consist of no more than five members.
Students are expected to create a team name and elect a team captain.
Students are encouraged to keep a "Battle of the Books" log with notes/details about each book read with items such as title, author, setting, main characters, brief summary/plot.
Teams can meet before school, during lunch, and after school to discuss books and test their knowledge. You may meet in the library.
Battle Rounds:
Battle rounds will begin in February to determine a school winner (if there is more than one WSHS team). If there is only one WSHS team, then practice rounds will be held until state competitions are held.
Students who remain on a team through to the battle rounds will earn a team Battle of the Books t-shirt. The WSHS winning team will earn the WSHS Battle of the Books Champion Title.

2022-23 BoB Teams