Academic Support

Phoenix Learning Time (PLT)

ASA offers Scholars the opportunity to access teachers for additional support, tutoring, makeup work, group work, etc.

Lunch PLT

Teachers are available for scholars each day during lunch. Scholars are expected to use this time wisely and are encouraged to take advantage of it sooner rather than later if they are struggling in a particular course. In the event a scholar is placed on an academic improvement plan or academic probation, he/she will be required to attend Structured Learning Time on a specified schedule. Students may also be assigned to attend if they are missing daily assignments.

Room 130- Daily quiet room at lunch.

Afterschool PLT

Monday & Thursday 3:15-4:00 p.m. Math

Other content area teachers are available by appointment.

Homework Center

HW Center is a quiet learning environment for students to utilize after school to complete assignments. It is supervised.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 3:15-4:00 p.m.

Time Management Resources