
The Electricity program prepares students to be career-ready in residential and commercial electrical installation. Students in this program learn to install residential, commercial, and industrial wiring systems. Upon completion of this program, proficient students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in electricity with emphasis on safety, tools, and equipment. Standards are aligned to the NCCER® or Residential Academy Electrical certification.

Electricity Program Overview

Electricity Program Requirements

State Program Requirements

(CIP Code 460301)

Prerequisite: Algebra 1


Electricity 1 (6287)

Electricity 2 (6288)

Electricity 3 (6289)

Electricity 4 (6290)

ACCTC Program

Carnegie Units (High School Credits) Required: 4 units

Program Length: 2 years

Prerequisites for Program: Application, interview, and acceptance; Completion of

Grade to Apply: 10th grade

Grades to Attend: 11th and 12th

Slider is playing
2 student's hands working on electrical board