Redcliffe Music Department

Mr. Gerald portrait.

Mr. Gerald

Welcome to Mr. Colby Gerald's music classroom at Redcliffe Elementary! Mr. Gerald is passionate about teaching music, having earned his degree from Southern Wesleyan University. During his studies, he focused on teaching music from grades K-12. 

Mr. Gerald was a member of the Clemson Tiger Band for three years, during which he traveled across seven different states! He loves sharing his Tiger Band memories and experiences. 

In his classroom, Mr. Gerald likes to balance learning about music with hands-on practice playing instruments. He believes music is a great way for students to express themselves and learn new things.

Outside of school, Mr. Gerald enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loved to play the French Horn during his free time. Mr. Gerald is excited to teach music to the students at Redcliffe Elementary and help them grow to love music as much as he does!