Free math activities to support students at home.
Active Home: Online Physical Education
There are 2 types of tools on this page. On the left you’ll find games and calendars for parents and families to use to make their home an active home. On the right you’ll find resources to help teachers and parents partner as they work together to provide meaningful movement opportunities that progress students toward physical education and social & emotional learning outcomes.
For fun physical activity at home! Ms. Bennett approved!
Hundreds of online video titles of your favorite storybooks.
Listen to your favorite read alouds with KidLit.
This YouTube channel brings storytime to your living room!
No need to miss storytime! Here are a list of links to listen to some awesome stories.
Cincinatti Zoo and Botanical Garedens welcomes you to their online access tour of Fiona, their baby hippo.
Visit different types of actual farms via the Internet. Follow the links for virtual tours.
Watch a live feed of the Earth from Space courtesy of NASA.
The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour!