Aiken County Public Schools Kick off 2021-22 School Year

Aiken County public schools started their first day of classes early Monday morning.

Schools Superintendent King Laurence welcomed students back to school, greeting classes in nine schools around the county.

“Things look orderly. People are keeping safe. I see more students wearing masks than not wearing masks, which makes me happy. I continue to encourage people to wear a mask and continue to encourage people to get vaccinated,” Laurence said.

Masks are not required to be worn this year; however, the school district has encouraged students and teachers to wear them. 

Students are returning to five-day in-person classes, while some students will be enrolled in Aiken Innovate, the district’s virtual-only schooling option.

Laurence visited nine schools around the county Monday: Jackson STEM Magnet Middle, Hammond Hill Elementary, Paul Knox Middle, Clearwater Elementary, Langley-Bath-Clearwater Middle, Gloverville Elementary, Schofield Middle, East Aiken School of the Arts and Ridge Spring-Monetta schools. 

Teachers were excited about going back to school in person and welcoming back students.

“I am so super excited to welcome the students back to the school. Looking forward to seeing the children’s transition back to full day without it being so many students virtual, so having them back in school face to face – I’m really excited about that,” said Principal Selecia Hardy at Hammond Hill Elementary School.

Sara-Beth Brown is the principal at Chukker Creek Elementary School.

“We’re excited to have the kids in the building,” Brown said. “That’s the biggest thing – to have the kids in the building five days a week, every day. They more when they’re here with us. We want to have that explicit direct instruction with teachers and students so we can push them and challenge them and help them grow.”

Read the full Aiken Standard article here