School Safety Tops Aiken County School Board Members' Priorities for 2022

Each year, the Aiken Standard asks Aiken County School Board members what goals they have for the new year.

Many said they want to focus in 2022 on improving safety in schools, while others mentioned class sizes and technology. Responses were edited for grammar, brevity and clarity.

Dr. John Bradley, chairman

Enhance safety and security at all schools. Instituting greater efforts to prevent weapons and violence at schools.

My second goal is to reduce class size. We have too many schools with classes that are too large.

My third goal is learn what parents think about the modified calendar proposal before making up my mind and voting on it. We have heard from a large percentage of teachers and administrators, as well as students. I want to hear from more parents. I want to be sure we are not placing a hardship on them.

Read the entire Aiken Standard article HERE.