Rotary Readers Program Returns to East Aiken School of the Arts After Two-Year Hiatus

Rotary Readers returned to East Aiken School of the Arts on Tuesday after a two-year hiatus due to COVID.

The program is a partnership between East Aiken and the Rotary Club of Aiken that begin in 2013, according to Lisa Fallaw, principal at East Aiken. Rotary Club members meet weekly with small groups of three to five students in third, fourth and fifth grade in a book club format.

“The students and their volunteer read books on the students’ levels, discuss the book, explore new vocabulary and reflect on their reading,” Fallaw said. “These caring volunteers are helping to support and encourage the development of grade-level reading skills as well as foster a love of reading. The volunteers model what good readers do and serve as role models for our students.”

Volunteers also read to the 4K students at the school and participate in an activity with the kids. On Tuesday, the students watched a video about counting money and danced with the volunteers.

“Teams of four Rotarians work with our preschool students on language development and literacy activities,” Fallaw said.

Fallaw said the volunteers with Rotary come from a variety of backgrounds, which benefits the students because it exposes them to new and different ideas.

Fred Kelsven, with the Rotary Club, has been participating for a few years because he believes in the program.

“I think it’s a really good program for kids,” Kelsven said. “Reading is such an important skill that we need to get them early adapted to it.”

Read the full Aiken Standard article here.