Students show off their knowledge with Biomedical Science Student Showcase

By STEPHANIE HILL/The Aiken Standard

Students showed off their medical lab knowledge during the Biomedical Science Student Showcase at Aiken Career and Technology Center on April 27.

This biomedical science program, which is in its first year, allows students to learn about different topics, such as forensics, differences in cancer cells and non-cancer cells, how diabetes affects the kidneys and how to compare different DNA samples from a crime scene, all of which were on display at the showcase for parents and community members to see.

“I think tonight is going well,” said Dr. Christi Palladino, the biomedical science teacher, at the event. “The real goal here is to be able to show, especially their families, but also the community just what they’ve accomplished. Because you do a lot inside the classroom, but you don’t always get to show that off. So it’s nice because every time I see them talk about it, I see that comfort level and I see more of their passion starting to come out. That makes me excited as a teacher, because they love science and it’s OK to love science and it’s exciting to see.”

Palladino said the curriculum hands-on, and the students enjoy it because it allows them to get a lot of lab experience and see how the science applies to real-world scenarios.

“They see the real-world implication of everything that they do,” Palladino said. “So I get to see them light up because instead of just reading about it in a book, they’re actually doing that. They’re doing the DNA analysis, they’re staining cells. Next year they’ll be editing pieces of DNA, it’s amazing what they can do.”

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