Graniteville Elementary Students Practice Their Purr-suasive Letter Writing Skills

Why should someone adopt an animal from a shelter?

That was the question posed to second-grade students at Graniteville Elementary School on Tuesday when they received a visit from Kathy Cagle, the Friends of the Animal Shelter programs coordinator and Nova, a 4-year-old pit mix. The duo came to visit the kids and help provide information for them for their persuasive writing assignment.

“We are doing our persuasive writing unit and we just had the idea to let the kids try to persuade people to adopt an animal,” said Jordan Barrett, a second grade teacher at GES. “So I emailed the Aiken County Animal Shelter to see if they could send me a list of the animals that were available so that it could be more meaningful for the kids because it’s actually local animals and Ms. Kathy offered to bring a dog in and talk to the kids to kind of give them a better understanding.”

After writing their persuasive letter it will be sent to the shelter so they can be put on display for community members to read and hopefully adopt an animal, Barrett said.

Click here to read the full Aiken Standard article.


Graniteville Elementary


GVES Students