Leavelle McCampbell Middle School Named "Leader In Me" School

Leavelle McCampbell Middle School has added another certification to its credentials.

The school was recently named a Leader in Me  Lighthouse School by FranklinCovey Education. According to a press release from the organization, Leader in Me is designed to help students and staff develop leadership skills, create a high-trust culture and assist in improving academic achievement. Dr. Tiffany Hall, the principal at the school, said evaluators came to determine whether  the school met the criteria.

“(The major parts) they look at are new and ongoing staff learning, they look at principal and coordinator development, they look at social, emotional learning of students, they look at physical environment, leadership environment, family and community engagement, direct lessons so that we actually teach the lessons of Leader in Me,” Hall said. “They look at empowering instruction, they look at goal setting if we’re setting goals with kids and how we’re doing that.”

The student Lighthouse team has 14 kids who help set goals and action plans. During the visit, students were interviewed about the school. Eighth-grader Blake Crawford, an interviews student, said those at Leavelle work to show leadership in different ways.

“We decided to shoot for the stars and go for becoming a Lighthouse school,” Crawford said. “The process was long and quite tedious. We had, I guess you could say, interviewers come and they asked us questions like what makes you think you’re qualified to become a Lighthouse school, what’s some ways you demonstrate leadership, ways you show just a leadership all throughout your school.”

Click here to read the full Aiken Standard article.