Aiken County Public Schools Seeking Health Service Partnerships

Healthy students are not only happier in the classroom, but the removal of health-related learning barriers can also stimulate academic growth.

With that goal in mind, attracting high-quality community partnerships which mutually benefit District students and area stakeholders is of paramount importance to the future success of Aiken County Public Schools and the delivery of a premier education to all students.   

To support this effort, community health service organizations interested in partnering with Aiken County Public Schools will have the opportunity to schedule provider presentations with members of our District’s Health Services Committee. Committee members will review community presentations on Thursday, August 18, 2016, at the District’s administrative offices located on Brookhaven Drive and select the partnerships the District will pursue.

Community presentations should take no longer than 30 minutes, and should include information on vision, dental and hearing screenings in addition to options for follow-up care.   

Interested providers should contact Monica Mazzell in the Office of Nursing and Health Services at (803) 641-2417 or to schedule a presentation time slot.

“At Aiken County Public Schools, we are committed to helping our families identify and remove any and all health-related obstacles which work to hinder the learning process,” stated Health Services Supervisor Monica Mazzell. “Through high-quality health service partnerships offering need-based services to our students and their families, we can move even closer to realizing that goal across our school district.” 


Link to District Press Release: Aiken County Public Schools Seeking Health Service Partnerships