Share Dr. King's Legacy

2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay and Creative Visual Posters Contest

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Steering Committee, in conjunction with University of South Carolina Aiken’s Inclusion Advisory Council (IAC), is inviting Aiken County students to submit an original poster or written essay that draws on their own experience. The contest is part of the annual community-wide celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being held this year on Sunday, January 22 at 3:00 p.m. at the USC Aiken Convocation Center. The celebration is a time to reflect on the past and focus on the future of humanity as a whole. Dr. King’s legacy has taught us to commit ourselves to service by serving each other and those in our communities.

“Our teachers and students look forward to participating in this contest every year,”Aiken County Public Schools’ Superintendent Dr. Sean Alford commented. "We’re grateful to our university partners and the event’s planning committee for providing students the opportunity to honor Dr. King and experience his legacy through their creativity."

For Kindergarten-5th grade creative visual poster contest, the theme is “What does the MLK, Jr. holiday mean to you?” Middle and high school students can take part in the annual essay contest with a reflective piece based upon the following quote: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter," (Martin Luther King, Jr.). Successful creative visual posters/essays will answer the question, and refer specifically to personal experiences and observations.


Essay Categories:

Middle School (up to 1,000 words)

High School (up to 1,500 words)

Creative Visual Posters Categories:
K-2nd grades (should be no larger than 8 by 11.5 paper)

3rd–5th grades

Eligibility: Must be a student of the Aiken County Public Schools. All entries must be clearly marked with the students' name, school and a contact email (parent/guardian) and phone number.



1. –First, second and third place winners from each category will be invited to a special VIP meet and greet

2. –Special floor seating for all finalists and their parents/guardians (limit 2 per finalist) at community-wide celebration

3. –Creative Visual will be displayed during the program

4. –Winning essays will be published in program of event

5. –First place winners will receive a Kindle Fire


Friday, November 18, 2016

Many classes take on this project as an assignment. However, students not participating as part of classwork are welcome and encouraged to participate and may turn their entry into their school's main office.

Winners will be announced December 17, 2016