Aiken Discount Tire Honored as National Employer of the Year

In the fall of 2015, Aiken County Public School District representatives approached the leaders of Aiken Discount Tire with an important question. Would they be interested in investing time, resources and expertise into Aiken County students with special needs?

Through the District’s new Community-based Employment Program, the company’s owner, Mr. Wallace Kitchings, and management team agreed to do just that. They would train two students for the purpose of enhancing the students’ career interests and providing them with hands-on, real world work experiences. The Aiken High students would work alongside Aiken Discount Tire employees and obtain new skills in tire repair, replacement and other job-related requirements.

Most importantly, these two students would become a part of the Aiken Discount Tire family.

For going above and beyond their obligations to the employment program, and as a result of their commitment and dedication in support of Aiken County students, Aiken Discount Tire was honored this week in a ceremony in Myrtle Beach, S.C., as the National Employer of the Year by the South Carolina Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT). 

Throughout the 2015-16 school year, what began as a relatively small training partnership between Aiken County Public Schools and Aiken Discount Tire involving a pair of students, blossomed into powerful personal and professional relationships. These young men were made to feel like a REAL part of the team at Aiken Discount Tire, and they reciprocated that respect by visiting the shop after school and on weekends to offer help whenever they could.

One of the students in particular faced unique challenges at home.

He was having a difficult time finding the direction his life should take, and the employees at Aiken Discount Tire responded with care and attention, even including the student on weekend fishing trips that boosted his confidence. The student also struggled in other areas, including with his hygiene and personal grooming. He would tell people that he “had the tools, but no one to show him” the basics. This time, the employees at Aiken Discount Tire had a huge surprise in store for their new friend.

Employees purchased new clothing for the student from head-to-toe, provided him with new shoes and, along with the Department of Special Programs’ Director, even arranged an appointment for him at a local salon to receive a fresh haircut and men’s styling makeover. The result was a sight to behold, as the student’s smile lit up the room.

Through these examples of steadfast support and consistent, positive attention provided by Aiken Discount Tire mentors, this student not only progressed in the program but continued to thrive following its conclusion, as he is currently working at a South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation training center on a job assignment with Bridgestone. 

“The employees at Aiken Discount Tire and owner Wallace Kitchings have just been terrific partners over the past year for our school district, and most especially, for our students. The compassion and support displayed for our students has been second to none,” stated Cassie Cagle, Director of Special Programs for Aiken County Public Schools. “We appreciate their dedication to our students and willingness to go above and beyond.”

Aiken Discount Tire employees not only provided job training for our Aiken County Public School District students, but more importantly they provided life-changing guidance, support, and genuine care while helping them to re-set the bar on their futures that much higher.



Link to District Press Release: PR AIKEN DISCOUNT TIRE