MTU Apprenticeship Program

MTU is accepting student applications for it's nationally-recognized Apprenticeship Program now through December 19, 2016.

MTU America’s Apprenticeship Program, has received significant attention since its launch in the Fall of 2012. It has been featured in such mainstream media as Dan Rather Reports, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. MTU representatives were also invited to meet with the U.S. Secretary of Education in Washington, DC to discuss the program as one of the first of its kind focused on high school students. The program has earned prestigious awards for its contributions to the educational system. The State of South Carolina recognized MTU America as its Private Sector Champion of the Year as part of its 2013 Carolina Careers Governor’s Awards. In addition, the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) presented
MTU America with its Award of Merit, which is awarded annually to business leaders who support technical training programs nationwide.

In 2010, MTU America Inc. moved its manufacturing operations from Detroit to Aiken County, South Carolina. Although the company’s new home provided a ready workforce to get the plant up and running, it became apparent that future expansion plans would depend on a continuous pool of qualified potential employees, which didn’t seem to be readily available in the area. That’s when MTU leadership decided to invest in Aiken County’s education system by partnering with the local high schools and Career Center to bring a new approach to vocational training – an approach that has been successfully used at MTU America’s parent company in Germany for over 30 years.

MTU America’s unique Apprenticeship Program gives high school students a structured and coordinated training system that provides:
  • An avenue for students to obtain work skills immediately sought
    by employers.
  • An opportunity for students to earn a wage while they learn.
  • A career path with opportunity for growth and greater income.

The MTU Way includes a number of outreach opportunities to engage students early and make them aware of the Apprenticeship Program, as well as a clearly defined pathway to help students attain employable skills, while completing their high school requirements. High school freshmen are introduced to the MTU Aiken Plant via plant tours and presentations. The goal is to motivate students to stay in school by previewing the Apprenticeship Program.
In 10th grade, the student selection process begins with teacher nominations. MTU conducts presentations at the Career & Technology Center serving Aiken County high schools to introduce the program to students and parents, who are also invited to tour the plant. Math assessments and interviews
are conducted. Final selections are made. Students enroll in program during Spring semester of Sophomore year. As high school juniors, students attend high school classes, Career Center training sessions and work limited hours at the MTU Aiken Plant during the school year (as an elective). Students work full-time at the MTU Aiken Plant during the summer. As seniors, students attend high school and Career Center training sessions while also working limited hours at MTU Aiken Plant during the school year. Students rotate through various departments in order to increase their knowledge of MTU America’s operations. Students work full-time at the MTU Aiken Plant during the summer.

Students who complete the program will receive certification as an Industrial Mechanic (Basic), which is recognized by the State of South Carolina and the U.S. Department of Labor. Those who successfully complete the optional final exam -- comprised of a practical exam, a written exam and an oral exam – will also receive certification as a Skilled Metal Worker (Fachkraft Für Metalltechnik), which is recognized in Germany as well as the U.S. Employment Upon graduation from high school, employment at MTU America is not guaranteed or required. With their certification, graduates will be able to obtain open positions at MTU or many other potential employers.

For more information about MTU America’s Apprenticeship Program at the MTU Aiken Plant please contact: Jeremy Diebel, Sr. Manager Machining, Aiken Apprenticeship Coordinator,

MTU America's Apprenticeship Program Brochure