District Enhances Security Protocols Following Post-Game Incident At South Aiken High

“Friday night’s incident was a terrible shock to our entire educational community,” District Superintendent Dr. Sean Alford commented. “We are certainly relieved and thankful that none of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries and that all three are expected to make full recoveries.”

Additional security measures were in place for the expectation of a large crowd for South Aiken’s basketball game, including the assignment of five administrators and 11 faculty members on-site, along with six law enforcement officers. Unfortunately, the unexpected happened outside as students, families and staff members exited an otherwise orderly competitive athletic contest among cross-town rivals.

District and school staff worked throughout the weekend in collaboration with law enforcement to provide viable leads and identify potential witnesses for investigators with the hope of apprehending the individual who put so many lives in danger.

“We are grateful for the relationship we have with law enforcement,” Alford continued. “Their support to our school staff and diligence in investigating this crime has been tremendous.” 

With the aid of additional law enforcement and school counselors on-site, school resumed Monday at South Aiken with an absentee number less than average.

Prior to resumed instruction, Principal Jill Jett delivered a phone message to parents and students Sunday evening providing additional information and encouragement.

“While Friday night's incident has weighed heavy on the hearts and minds of all of us this weekend, our students, athletes and staff have shown great strength throughout the last several days, many assisting law enforcement with the investigation, others returning to campus for athletic practices and academic study sessions held throughout the weekend,” she stated.

“In working with our School Resource Officer and local law enforcement, it is our goal to help all members of our South Aiken Family return to school confident in their safety. A strong police presence and additional security measures, coupled with an increase of school counselors on-site, are part of our plans to ensure our school soon returns to the nurturing educational environment we all know and love. If you should have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. This has certainly been a difficult weekend, but I look forward to joining with our students, families and staff members (Monday) as we begin to heal and focus on moving forward together,” Ms. Jett concluded.

What does moving forward look like for Aiken County Public Schools?

“Our District leaders, law enforcement, middle and high school principals and athletic directors devoted Monday to a thorough review of our safety protocols, both those dedicated to regular school hours, as well as those involving athletics and other extracurricular events,” Superintendent Alford said. “Together, we enhanced plans to proactively protect our students, patrons and school campuses.”

Additional safety measures will be instituted immediately following the necessary training of staff. Enhanced security measures for major athletic events include the following:    

  • Each middle and high school will have uniformed law enforcement to assist with security at all major sporting events. In concert with law enforcement, school administration will develop and execute a specified plan of supervision to include enhanced security before, during, and after the event. Law enforcement and/or school staff will regularly monitor hallways, common areas, parking lots and outdoor areas. Law enforcement will take an overt and active role in securing the building exterior and parking areas as patrons and students exit the venue.
  • School staff will conduct a visual search of all bags and jackets/coats prior to entry per SC Codes 59-63-1110, 59-63-1120 and 59-63-1130. These additional screening protocols will increase the time entering major school events and we appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our community. Students and families are asked to leave bags, backpacks and additional items at home, if possible. Per South Carolina Code 16-23-420, concealed weapons permits are not honored on school campuses.
  • Metal Detectors will be available, visible and used by school staff prior to entry, as deemed necessary.

“Safety is our top priority,” Alford said in closing. “We will fully execute our plans to ensure safety both during the school day and at athletic events. Our students and community deserve nothing less.”