STARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: Giving Even More (GEM) Honor Court Member Traci Banks of Clearwater Elementary

Each day leading up to our first "Stars of Public Education" banquet to be held Thursday, April 27, at the USC Aiken Convocation Center we will be featuring a different Honor Court member from among this year's Giving Even More (GEM), Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year honorees. Our features begin at Clearwater Elementary School with Kindergarten Aide and bus driver Ms. Traci Banks.

Students Congratulate Ms. Traci Banks



When District representatives carrying blue-and-white balloons and congratulations found Giving Even More honor court honoree Traci Banks in the lunchroom at Clearwater Elementary there was no need to gather a crowd because Banks was already surrounded by some of the most important people in the building in teachers and students.

The look of absolute shock on her face at the flashing of cameras and recording cell phones was only overcome by a loud roar of celebration from the room full of cheering students. Ms. Banks, who has served 10 years at the school as a dedicated bus driver and Kindergarten aide, would not have had it any other way.

“I enjoy working here at Clearwater Elementary because of these students who I am so fortunate to encounter every day, the teachers I work with and really the opportunity to help others,” Ms. Banks commented. “Our students come to us from varying backgrounds and their educational needs are different as well and I love having the chance to help meet those needs. We are one big family here and that makes it easy to come to work each day.”

Even calling her job work is a stretch for Ms. Banks.

“I am very passionate about my job, which I do not view as work,” she stated. “I see my position here as an opportunity to get the very best out of the students I work with. I love to see that “light bulb” come on when students have been struggling with certain concepts.”

Ms. Banks says it is also much easier to face each day knowing the exact same light bulbs she sees at Clearwater Elementary are shining in classrooms across Aiken County.

“Aiken County Public School District is a special place to work because there is a strong sense of unity and team spirit within the District,” she added. “I feel respected by my colleagues and administrators. I feel valued, and I feel like I am an important part of the team. Being a part of our ONE TEAM, along with being around the best students and teachers in South Carolina make this a very special place to be.”