STARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: Giving Even More (GEM) Honor Court Member Shari Barton of Aiken Elementary

Each day leading up to our first "Stars of Public Education" banquet to be held Thursday, April 27, at the USC Aiken Convocation Center we will be featuring a different Honor Court member from among this year's Giving Even More (GEM), Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year honorees.

Ms. Shari Barton



Students, staff members and administrators at Aiken Elementary know exactly what to expect each morning when they walk through the school’s front doors – a hearty hello, a smile and even a hug should the morning call for one.

These are just a few of the reasons why Shari Barton has been much more than a school secretary for the last four years. She is the living embodiment of selfless sacrifice and support. Perhaps that is why some of her colleagues had tears in their eyes when she was caught completely by surprise recently by District representatives and school administrators with the news that she had been named as a Giving Even More honor court honoree.

“I strive daily to work hard to help and support our staff, faculty, students and parents. I am most often the first person parents and students see when they arrive each day and I want to make sure each person is greeted and served cordially,” Ms. Barton commented. “Supporting our teachers is also very important to me. I want to make sure they get everything they need so that their day goes well. When students come through the office, our office staff and I give an extra smile or a hug to help make their day brighter and let them know we care. I try my best to go above and beyond to treat everyone fairly and courteously, and with a school the size of Aiken Elementary, it takes a true team here in the front office and we have a great one.”  

Ms. Barton says her experience working in Aiken County Public Schools and Aiken Elementary has been its own special reward.

“It has just been a rewarding experience working here,” Ms. Barton stated. “I have had the opportunity to wear many hats here at this great school. I started here as a substitute teacher, and then I transitioned to a position as Title I aide, before moving on to a position as an aide in the Media Center. Over the years, I have been able to get to know all of the staff, teachers and students really well and I have learned a lot from all of them. Working in the position of school secretary has also been very challenging, rewarding and fulfilling all at the same time.”