STARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: Giving Even More (GEM) Honor Court Member Harsana Green of Greendale Elementary

Each day leading up to our first "Stars of Public Education" banquet to be held Thursday, April 27, at the USC Aiken Convocation Center we will be featuring a different Honor Court member from among this year's Giving Even More (GEM), Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year honorees.

Greendale Principal and Ms. Harsana Green



Harsana Green was unprepared for a surprise. The broom and dustpan she held in her hands at the time as she went about her work may have had a little something to do with that.

So when District representatives arrived at Greendale Elementary recently to surprise the longtime paraprofessional in front of a cafeteria full of students with the news that she had been chosen as a 2017 Giving Even More Award honor court member honoring the District’s top five classified employees, she was understandably flummoxed. The broom offered an important clue though about who Harsana Green is and why she was selected as a GEM finalist.

Her “can do” and “team first” attitude was evident by the smiles on the faces of her colleagues, a special group of people who Ms. Green says has helped her grow during 11 years at the school.

“Aiken County Public School District is a special place to work, and the journey thus far has taught me a lot about who I am,” Ms. Green stated. “I truly have some remarkable colleagues to work beside and my administrators have provided several opportunities for me to grow as a team member.”

Ms. Green’s sights are set even higher as she looks forward to a future when she will have a classroom to call her very own.

“My greatest joy is working in the classroom and helping our students learn things they never knew before, and my personal goal is to become a teacher myself and continue my career in the District,” Ms. Green commented. “I have had to stop at times along the way due to life’s circumstances, but I am determined to accomplish my goal of becoming a certified teacher. I value every administrator and teacher and colleague who has embraced me and encouraged me as I continue to work toward my goal.”