STARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: Giving Even More (GEM) Honor Court Member Rose Puckett of the District Office

Each day leading up to our first "Stars of Public Education" banquet to be held Thursday, April 27, at the USC Aiken Convocation Center we will be featuring a different Honor Court member from among this year's Giving Even More (GEM), Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year honorees.

Ms Rose Puckett



When Rose Puckett was asked to step into Aiken County Superintendent Dr. Sean Alford’s office, she barely raised an eyebrow at the request. It is something she does multiple times each day.

This day was very different, though. The balloons and smiling colleagues were proof of that.

Dr. Alford announced that she had been chosen from candidates across the district to serve as a member of the Giving Even More honor court and Puckett, who has served in her present position since 2007, had to let the information sink in for a few moments.

“My co-workers are more like family than folks I share an eight-hour day with, and my position allows me to meet new people and have a chance to be a part of something truly worthwhile,” Ms. Puckett commented. “What I most enjoy about my job, I believe, is the satisfaction I receive from serving others. When people come into the office or I speak with someone on a phone call, I do my best to listen with intent, compassion for the situation and respect for what they are feeling. I believe we are all uniquely gifted – my gift is for service.”       

When asked what characteristics might set her apart as an employee, her answer was simple, yet profound at the same time.

“I have never tried to place myself inside a departmental or job title box because I believe that it is my duty as a district employee to serve others in the same way I would like to be served,” Ms. Puckett stated. “I work within a team-first concept and I value respect, therefore I give it. It is more than just a job, it is more than just a title you hold, and it is more than just the paycheck and benefits you receive. It is a personal investment in the students of this county, my school district and my community.”