Special Olympics, April 21

The 50-meter dash, 200-meter run, shot put and long jump are traditional to the Olympics, but what sets these games apart are the very special athletes participating Friday.

The Special Olympics will be held at Midland Valley High School (MVHS) April 21, 2017 from 9:30 a.m. until noon and this year’s event has a very special presentation in store for MVHS, host to the Spring Games each year. During the games, Midland Valley will be named a Special Olympics Unified Champion School for its inclusive school climate, which exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff.

Midland Valley is among a select number of schools to receive this distinction. They will be presented with a banner to hang in their school and be included on a list of other schools around the country who have achieved this distinguished status.

“Special Olympics South Carolina extends congratulations and appreciation for the dedication Midland Valley High School has exuded in creating a school culture where EVERY student, with and without intellectual disabilities, is accepted, respected and valued,” Leigh C. Lowery, Director of Communications for Special Olympics SC, included in a release regarding Friday’s event.

More than 200 schools are currently participating in Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools programming in South Carolina, as part of more than 5,000 schools across the country engaged in the program. Special Olympics has a global goal of creating 100,000 Unified Champion Schools by 2020.

The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools model is supported by the U.S. Department of Education. This model has been proven to be an effective and replicable means to providing students with and without disabilities the opportunity to form positive social relationships and promote a socially inclusive school climate.