STARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: Teacher of the Year Honor Court Member Jeni Lambert of Aiken High School



Jeni Lambert was prepared to host special visitors in her classroom recently, but she had no idea how special (and surprising) the visit would actually be.

Representatives from the District office, school leaders and several of Lambert’s colleagues crowded in to congratulate her on being chosen as an Aiken County Public Schools Teacher of the Year Honor Court member as her students joined the celebration and posed for photos with their star educator.

 As a young girl, Ms. Lambert’s father – himself a mathematician – encouraged her to explore the endless possibilities of WHY?  

 “My father piqued my interest in real-world applications of math and science and he persuaded me to question why and how things worked and to try and find out if there was a way to make things work better,” Lambert commented.

 By the age of 10, Lambert says her curiosity led her to begin experimenting with the math and science applications associated with computer graphics and animation. Still in elementary school, she participated in a prestigious program at Perdue University that further expanded her mathematical horizons. A master teacher named Mr. McMillian only reinforced her love of math and science during her middle school years.

 Later, as a teenager, Lambert says while her love of sports drew her attention to a potential career in sports medicine and physical therapy, the reality and pain involved in that occupation opened the door for her to be able to answer her true calling.

“From time to time, the children could not physically make it through an entire session, so I would sit and read a book with them or do homework with them,” Lambert explained. “By the time the semester and my clinical rotation ended, I began to realize that I enjoyed helping the children learn more than I enjoyed doing the actual physical therapy with them. After doing some soul-searching, I realized that my love of sports came from my passion for learning, which came from my father and Mr. McMillian, who took the time to guide me as I learned. I wanted others to have the same joy for learning that I had when I was young.”

In that moment, Lambert says she knew her future lay in education, and reaching students where they are.

“Everyone has the ability to learn,” Lambert stated. “Some people learn quicker than others, and many have different learning styles. It is the teacher’s job to educate because education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, reducing poverty and promoting peace. When I was young, males dominated the fields of math and science. As a female mathematics teacher, I not only want my students to learn the math skills they need to master the South Carolina standards, but I want my students to understand that gender does not matter when it comes to education.”

Aiken High School Principal Garen Cofer says Ms. Lambert has distinguished herself over the past five years at the school, as a high-quality mathematics instructor and as positive influence on all her students and colleagues.

“Ms. Lambert consistently demonstrates her conscientiousness and genuine commitment to the education of our students at Aiken High, as well as a concern for professional growth and development,” Mr. Cofer commented. “Her positive attitude, love of math and children are reflected in the outstanding quality of our math department. Ms. Lambert’s creativity, originality and superior knowledge of mathematics make her effective in working with students of all levels and abilities.”


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