Drama Program at South Aiken High Captures State Awards, Completes Successful Fall Production

SCTA Winners from South Aiken High

Students from South Aiken High School’s Drama Club competed for the first time in the South Carolina Theatre Association Festival (SCTA) held in November. Schools from across the state met on the campus of the University of South Carolina at Aiken to promote, share, compete, and acknowledge the work of students and teachers in the field of theater and the performing arts.

According to festival organizers, 32 schools attended.

Following the festival’s performances, the SCTA recognized the event’s top students, which included three from South Aiken High – Caleb Fairchild, Caroline Pethick and Drew Randolph. Of an estimated 1,100 participating students, Caleb was named the festival’s Best Supporting Actor. Meanwhile, Caroline and Drew were recognized as All-Star Cast Members by the SCTA.

“Drama has been a wonderful experience,” stated Caleb, who is currently a junior. “All of the people involved quickly became a family to me. I am honored to have represented South Aiken High by receiving Best Supporting Actor honors at the SCTA conference.”

Also during the festival, students Caroline, Drew, and Blaine Gurley had the opportunity to audition for a number of college-level evaluators. Blaine, a junior, received two college offers, while Drew, a senior, received four offers. Caroline, a senior, received seven offers from interested colleges on a very successful day of auditions for the Thoroughbreds.

Caleb, Caroline and Drew were also recognized by Aiken County Public School District board members during a regularly scheduled meeting held November 28.

South Aiken’s students began preparation for the SCTA competition as part of their fall production of You Can’t Take It With You and performances took place at the school from December 8 to December 11.

“Participating in the drama program at South Aiken has been a life-changing experience for me,” commented sophomore Madison Davis. “It has provided me with unique experiences that have created a constant bond between myself and my peers.”

On the morning of SCTA competition, the South Aiken students were given a 15-minute technical rehearsal. During that time, they checked sound and light cues, practiced moving the set and furniture on stage, and checked makeup for skin tone matches. Following the rehearsal, the students had the opportunity to watch other schools perform.

About 90 minutes before their performance, the students headed for their assigned dressing room to get ready for the show. The technical crew prepared for the performance by discussing options for getting the set on stage – then it was SHOWTIME!

“My involvement in the drama club at South Aiken has given me the tools and experiences I need to better myself as a student, citizen, and individual,” senior Drew Randolph concluded. “I will be able to utilize these skills for many years to come.”