District Celebrates Opening of New Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

MONETTA, S.C. – Eighteen months of work to build a brand new, state-of-the-art elementary school on “The Ridge” ended Monday, August 9, as Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary School Principal Callie Herlong cut blue and yellow ribbons to signify the official opening of the school.   

Herlong was surrounded by excited students and families, school faculty and staff, members of the Aiken County Public School District, Area 4 School Board member Sandra Shealey, community members, and representatives from project architect firm LS3P and project contractor H.G. Reynolds Company as she welcomed guests and spoke on behalf of the school.

Now in her 28th year of education, Herlong said this was the first time in her career she had served in a new building. She gave a brief history of the original school building, which was called the Ridge Spring Institute that was opened in 1885 and still stands today.

The new building is a bright and cheery educational environment with the latest advances in technology, including a video recording studio located in the library for students to create school newscasts.

“We are over the moon excited about this facility and all of the opportunities it is going to bring to the community and to your future leaders,” Herlong said. “We’re growing leaders here who hopefully will run Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary School, or come back and teach.

Herlong said her faculty and staff adore students and strive to provide the foundational building blocks and skills that all children need to be competitive in the work force. Providing a new building with modern amenities, including a handicap-accessible playground, will help students remain excited to come to school and want to learn.

Aiken County Public Schools Superintendent King Laurence shared his gratitude and congratulated the community on the new facility.

“This is for the community,” stated Superintendent Laurence. “This is for teachers and staff, administrators, and especially for the students. We are grateful the taxpayers saw this as a need and made it happen for you.”

