Leavelle McCampbell Middle’s School Improvement Council Named to State School Improvement Council 2022 Honor Roll

Leavelle McCampbell Middle School is one of seven public schools in the state with a School Improvement Council (SIC) named to the South Carolina School Improvement Council’s (SC-SIC) 2022 Honor Roll for significant efforts to foster civic engagement in public education.

A School Improvement Council is comprised of students, parents, teachers, school faculty, staff, and community members who support the principal and the school. SICs provide input on a school’s five-year renewal plan, help with implementation of important programs and activities, and monitor progress toward improvement goals in the annual SIC Report to Parents.

“It is a great honor to have our SIC recognized for commitment to excellence and striving for continuous improvement,” stated LMMS Principal Dr. Tiffany Hall. “Although the COVID years have not been easy for any school, this council did not see the pandemic as an obstacle but an opportunity.”

Leavelle McCampbell Middle School’s SIC has elected and appointed positions and includes the principal, Dr. Tiffany Hall, faculty and staff members Jennifer Minichan, Ande Stanley, Kayla Hawn, and Sarah Wood, students Noah Devine and Litzy Pineda Flores, and parents and community members Alejandra Flores, Robert Wise, Patty Bryant, Deborah McMurtrie, and Jan Randall.

“We are excited to be one of seven schools named to the Honor Roll,” commented LMMS SIC Chair Robert Wise. “This is a community-supported school, and the staff here does an amazing job involving the community. We are blessed to have Dr. Hall as a leader, and we’ll continue to do great things here at Leavelle McCampbell.”

The value of a SIC is immeasurable according to Tom F. Hudson, SC-SIC executive director.

“When parents, community members, educators, students, and others work together with shared vision, the positive impact can be tremendous,” stated Hudson. “Our Honor Roll SICs this year should be very proud, as I am, of their accomplishments.”

Of those named to the SC-SIC Honor Roll for 2022, five finalists will be selected in March, with one to be announced as the winner of the annual Dick and Tunky Riley Award for School Improvement Council Excellence. Now in its 21st year, the award is named for the former U.S. Secretary of Education and South Carolina Governor and his late wife and recognizes vital contributions made by more than 1,100 SICs and their 12,000-plus SIC members across the state.





PHOTO CAPTION: Leavelle McCampbell Middle School Improvement Council Chair Robert Wise and Leavelle McCampbell Middle School Principal Dr. Tiffany Hall are elated to earn a spot on the State SIC Honor Roll.