School Board Approves 2023-2027 District Strategic Plan

A plan that outlines Aiken County Public Schools’ strategic objectives and action  items for the next five years was approved by the Aiken County Board of Education during its January 25, 2022, regularly scheduled meeting.

School district strategic planning is an important, belief-driven process that includes District staff, principals, teachers, and community members who comprise the ACPSD Strategic Planning Committee. Members of the committee have collaborated over the past 10 months to create the school district’s mission statement, beliefs, strategic objectives, strategies, parameters, and action items to drive initiatives and projects scheduled through the 2026-27 school year.

Aiken County Superintendent King Laurence says the commitment of District and school leaders, teachers, students, and community members has produced a solid plan for the school district.

“We feel very confident in our strategic plan and where we are headed as an organization and as a community,” stated Superintendent Laurence. “We appreciate everyone on the committee who has given so generously of their time and talent over the past number of months in helping chart areas of focus for our work over the next five years.”

The committee began its work in April of last year, gathering for a three-day retreat to define the District’s beliefs, mission, strategic objectives, strategies and parameters. Committee members then transitioned to smaller groups from May to November to develop more specific action steps to be taken over the upcoming five years of the strategic plan.

Dr. Sal Minolfo, who serves as the school district’s Director of Administration, organized and led the strategic planning process. With the plan approved by the school board, the next step is to create an implementation timeline that aligns with and best supports each strategy, specific result, and corresponding action plans.

“There are always portions of a strategic plan which require more time and resources to implement,” commented Dr. Minolfo. “The timeline helps us prepare specific action items in such a way that we are able to achieve the plan’s strategic objectives over time.” 

The strategic plan is available on the Aiken County Public School District website by hovering over the “About Us” channel and clicking on the “ACPSD Strategic Plan” link.

