Mossy Creek Elementary School Counselor Shari Hooper Named State’s Best

Mossy Creek Elementary School Counselor Shari Hooper

Mossy Creek Elementary School Counselor Shari Hooper was taken by surprise in January when she was named the statewide School Counselor of the Year by the Palmetto State School Counselor Association (PSSCA) during the organization’s annual conference.

This is the second consecutive year in which an Aiken County Public School District school counselor has been honored by the PSSCA as the state’s School Counselor of the year. Hooper will represent the District and South Carolina during the 2023 American School Counselor Association conference.

Hooper visited Moss Creek Elementary classrooms recently during National School Counseling Week (Feb. 7-11) to remind students she is always there to support them no matter what they may be going through.

“During that week each year I try to get to every class and give them a small gift, this year it was a bookmark, just as a reminder about what school counselors do and to also remind them that every school building they go to as they get older there will be a school counselor there,” stated Hooper. “I want them to understand that our role is to help them and we can help them in a lot of different ways.”

In one of her recent classroom visits Hooper asked students to clarify her role at the school and a student replied that she is there “to help you go through tough times and just comfort you.” Hooper responded that the students was correct, adding that if something “is interfering with you being able to do your fractions that may mean you need to walk out of the room for a moment and have a conversation about whatever that thing is.”

Hooper says she often asks her students what, if anything, is keeping them from learning.

“I want them to know I’m there to help and assist them. I often feel like an investigator because I’m trying to figure out what the problem is and sometimes they can’t really tell me, especially the little ones,” commented Hooper.

Hooper was nominated by Aiken County Public Schools’ Coordinator for Counseling and Career Services, Sharon Worley.

“Her desire to see all students succeed has a positive impact on everyone she encounters, including her fellow counselors. She also regularly volunteers to serve as a mentor and supervises graduate student interns,” commented Worley in her nomination letter.

“Not only is Mrs. Hooper a wonderful counseling leader, but she is also a stellar student advocate. She has established the largest, data-informed mentoring program in our school district,” added Worley in the nomination letter for Hooper.

Mossy Creek Elementary School Principal Jeff Matthews says there is no question Hooper is deserving of her accolades as the state’s top counselor.

“There is not a more deserving candidate in this state to be the counselor of the year than Mrs. Hooper,” stated Matthews. “She has been amazing. She is Mossy Creek. She makes sure our kids’ needs are met. The mentoring program has been amazing and she never misses a beat.”

