District Leaders Serve First Year Aiken County Educators at Induction Teacher Cookout
First year teachers and educators new to Aiken County attended their first Induction meeting of the school year this week. They were greeted in the parking lot of the District Office by Superintendent Laurence and district leaders with a hotdog cookout and music, tailgate style.

“It was a great afternoon and a real honor being able to serve our new teachers,” shared Jennifer Hart, Chief Officer of Human Resources and Administration.

After a little fun and food, courtesy of Grand Canyon University, Induction teachers moved inside to meet with their grade levels and Lead Mentors. They kicked off the meeting by sharing something that has encouraged them during their first few weeks teaching in Aiken County. Teachers also learned about the support they can expect to receive during their first year in the classroom.

“Whether a new teacher came to us traditionally prepared with certification or through an alternative certification pathway, to be able to take an afternoon to serve them, see their smiles, and show them they are valued and cared for in a real, tangible manner by serving them at a cookout was really special. It just makes your heart smile,” continued Hart.

We are thankful for all ACPSD teachers and staff and look forward to supporting them in meaningful ways this school year.