District Planning for Possible Delayed Occupancy of Highland Springs Middle School

With weather delaying completion, backordered supplies and the start of Aiken County Public Schools’ 2023-2024 school year just six weeks away, school and district officials have been preparing for the possibility of a delayed occupancy to its new middle school Highland Springs. 
“We are pushing, of course, for occupancy by July 25,” Chief Officer of Operations Dr. Corey Murphy stated. “But we want students, their families and our community to know that we have developed a contingency plan for Highland Springs students to begin the year at a temporary school location, if necessary.”
The contingency plan was created in partnership with several schools in the area as well as Aiken Technical College and would only be implemented if the campus isn’t quite ready for the State Department’s Office of School Facilities final inspection, which is scheduled for July 12.

As part of the Contingency Plan, Highland Springs’ sixth grade students would be temporarily housed at North Augusta Middle School on their own wing of the campus. Seventh and eighth grade students would occupy the second floor of Aiken Technical College’s 100 Building, as well as the 700 building next door, utilizing 18 classrooms, the gymnasium and a reception area at Aiken Tech before college students return for fall semester. Paul Knox Middle School would house a special programs self-contained classroom for Highland Springs students requiring those services as it is equipped with an appropriate available space to meet student needs. 

Transportation will be provided to students during this temporary arrangement which, if implemented, would be short-term before occupancy of the new school campus within three to four weeks. The Contingency Plan will also ensure that school meals are available for students, regardless of a student's temporary location. 

“Our hope is that this is nothing more than a plan,” Highland Springs Middle School Principal Paige Day shared. “Whether we start the school year on our new campus or temporarily in an alternative location, we’ll be ready on July 25 to welcome our students and ensure safety, effective teaching and learning, as well as access to nutritious meals and efficient transportation.”