Students Across the Aiken County Public School District Enjoy A Perfect Prom

Students from Alternate Standards classrooms across the Aiken County Public School District enjoyed this year’s Perfect Prom on Friday. The event was held at Aiken Electric Cooperative. Students laughed, enjoyed sweet treats and danced with friends from midmorning to early afternoon.

Perfect Prom is a Unified Champion School event, which falls under the umbrella of Special Olympics South Carolina. All high school students across the district who learn on a modified curriculum in special education were invited.

“I just believe that all high schoolers should have the opportunity to go to prom. It’s a key event in any young person’s life, but it’s not always safe for students in this population,” said Kendalee Marcus, a North Augusta High School special education teacher and director of area 15 Special Olympics. “It’s just a really safe way for them to get together and celebrate a high school prom with their peers.”

This year’s Perfect Prom featured a DJ and photo booth. Catering was provided by North Augusta High School’s culinary students and a candy table sponsored by USC Aiken’s Pacer LIFE organization was also part of the celebration.