Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

Our Schofield Family will create reflective scholars by cultivating global perspectives, tailored learning opportunities, positive relationships, and cultural awareness.

Mission Statement:

Global Perspective:

We will cultivate global perspectives by implementing the Cambridge Attributes, fostering cross-curricular instruction, integrating fine arts and designing curriculum and instruction with a global focus.

Tailored Learning Opportunities:

We will intentionally design tailored learning opportunities through, small group instruction, personalized learning, technology incorporation, and purposeful interventions based upon formative assessment data.

Positive Relationships:

We will establish and maintain positive stakeholder relationships by fostering positive communication and involvement, implementing restorative practices and valuing the student ownership of learner attributes 

Cultural Awareness:

We will promote cultural awareness through a comprehensive plan of professional learning that addresses responsive pedagogy, incorporates relevant instructional strategies and serves the needs of the Schofield Family.

Aiken County Schools Mission & Goals

The mission of Aiken County School District is to engage every student in educational experiences that develop maximum individual potential by creating & sustaining a secure learning environment of excellence (facilitated by highly professional educators & support staff in concert with parents & the community) so that all learners acquire knowledge, critical thinking patterns, social skills, & character necessary to live a life of quality in an increasingly global society.