School Improvement Council

What Is a School Improvement Council (SIC)?
In South Carolina, a School Improvement Council is an advisory council to the principal and school on issues related to school improvement. By law, every K-12 public school in South Carolina must have a SIC that is made up of parents, teachers, students (grades 9-12), and community member representatives.  

What is the role of SIC?
SICs will set aside a certain amount of time each year to fulfill their statutory duty to report on their school’s progress toward improvement to the greater school community. SICs do this in two ways:
(1) by writing the yearly SIC Report to the Parents; and 
(2) by assisting the principal in writing the narrative to the SC School Report Card. 

Most SIC members, can act to improve their school. This can be accomplished by the group taking an active role in preparing and monitoring the School Improvement Plan and by developing, planning, supporting, and implementing improvement activities.

A SIC is a broad-based body intended to advise the principal and school with focus on helping to achieve school improvement.

State law requires that every K-12 public school in South Carolina convene an SIC.  

SIC membership is made up of parents, teachers, students (9th grade or above), and community member representatives as well as the school's principal and other ex-officio members. 

SBHS SIC Membership:
J. Lance Stockton
Dr. Michael Price
Meredith Dandridge
Richie Porter
Jennifer Barfield
Amanda Weathersbee
Kacy Barfield
Veronica Bennett
Tiera Valentine