
Athletic Director Phillip Strother standing in front of Silver Bluff Bulldog backdrop

Athletic Director, Phillip Strother

From the Desk of the Athletic Director:

The goal of the Silver Bluff High School Athletic program is consistent with the mission of the school, to promote the development of the total person by providing students with opportunities to participate in programs that encourage student success.

Teamwork, self-discipline, time management, commitment, sportsmanship, perseverance, and sacrifice are some of the lessons we aim to teach our student-athletes. Through participation in athletics, these life lessons will provide students with an opportunity to grow and mature as young adults.

We hold high standards regarding sportsmanship and conduct. We expect our students-athletes, coaches, and parents to win with humility and lose graciously. Our athletic venues are, in fact, classrooms, just as much as the technical areas, labs and classrooms we have in our building. We expect all interactions with opposing teams, fans, and coaches to be positive in nature.

To our athletes we say…

“With your hard work, dedication, sportsmanship, and team play, you will make the school year a rewarding and enjoyable experience.”

To our parents we say…

“Thank you for your loyalty to Silver Bluff High School Athletics and for supporting our efforts to provide a wholesome, competitive environment for your student-athletes.”

By working together, we can make the high school sports experience a rewarding one for everyone concerned. This includes athletes, coaches, parents, and fans. Please keep in mind that playing a sport is a privilege.

Together, let’s always, and in all ways, celebrate the efforts of our players and coaches as they strive to make Silver Bluff High School #1 in class, style, sportsmanship, and competitiveness. Go BULLDOGS and let’s have an enjoyable school year.

Thank you from the Silver Bluff High School Athletic Department, Administration, and coaching staff.

Phillip S. Strother, CAA

Director of Athletics

Silver Bluff High School

Football Schedule for Silver Bluff

Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports