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Robin Dobbs
(839) 846-7010
Janice Douda
Business Education Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Richard Enlow
(839) 846-7010
Quentin Evans
Safety Monitor Aide
(839) 846-7010
Heather Rushton
Instructional Aide
(839) 846-7010
Miranda Fulmer
Assistant Principal
(839) 846-7010
Angela Ginyard McDowell
Career Specialist
(839) 846-7010
Carmen Hall
Special Education Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Matthew Herlong
Social Studies Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Lisa Hinton
Mathematics Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Carmen Holley
Art Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Barbara Isaac
English Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Kerry Jackson
English Teacher
(839) 846-7010
MaryCatherine Jenkins
Media Aide
(839) 846-7010
Lori Ann Johnson
Special Education Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Cordelia Johnson
Instructional Aide
(839) 846-7010
Tellex Lanham
(839) 846-7010
AlTricia Larke
Instructional/Academic Success Coach
Joseph Lawson
Physical Education Teacher
(839) 846-7010
Haley Livingston
Agriculture Education Teacher
(839) 846-7010