Welcome to the NEMS Music Department

Wolverine Band

Band is available for 6th,7th, & 8th grade students.

Mallory Berley

Miss Berley, Band Director

Email Miss Berley
Phone: 803-652-8200

Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's of Music Education, Instrumental Certification (K-12)

My name is Mallory Berley and I am from Aiken, SC! I am a product of the Aiken County School District, where I attended East Aiken Elementary School, Kennedy Middle School, and graduated from South Aiken High School. I hold a Bachelor's of Music Education from Winthrop University located in Rock Hill, SC. I play a variety of musical instruments including saxophone, piccolo, and guitar, but my primary instrument is the flute. I am a member of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) as well as the South Carolina Music Educator's Association (SCMEA). I play regularly with the Aiken Concert Band and occasionally at local churches.

Last year our Band program was recognized for all of our success throughout the school year with the Outstanding Performance Award--the highest award for any middle school Band program in South Carolina! Our students earned 9 seats in the Region 2 Honor Band and 3 seats in the SC All-State Honor Band, a Superior rating at Concert Performance Assessment, and 11 Excellent rated Solo & Ensemble events and 32 Superior rated Solo & Ensemble events!!! I am SO proud of the results we produced last year and eager to continue and even expand upon them this year!

I have been provided so many opportunities because of music including traveling to new places, meeting new people, and performing in amazing venues, and I am so excited to share the love of music and the doors that it opens for students with you all!

Slider is playing
band student