Welcome to Nursing Services


When possible, medication should be given by parents/guardians before or after school. Medication to be given during the school day, including over-the-counter (OTC) medication, must be delivered by the parent/guardian in the original, properly labelled container and accompanied by completed and signed Medication Permission Form. Medication forms must be updated annually at the beginning of each school year and any time there is a change in the prescription (if prescribed) or parental request (if OTC given with parent permission). Schools do not stock over-the-counter medication. All medication needed at school must be provided by the parent/guardian. 

Written authorization from the Healthcare Provider who prescribed the medication is required for prescription medications. Written Healthcare Provider Authorization is also required for non-prescription medications, including herbal/alternative medicinal products, when the request differs from age-appropriate dose and usage instructions on the manufacturer's product label. All medication authorized by a Healthcare Provider must be provided in the original pharmacy container labelled by the pharmacist who filled the prescription. 

Over-the-counter medication may be given with parent/guardian permission as long as age appropriate dosing and usage recommendations on the product label are followed. 

Aiken County Public Schools (ACPS) and its employees reserve the right to refuse to honor medication requests that are not consistent with professional standards and/or deemed unsafe for the school setting. 

All medications will be stored in a locked cabinet in the Health Office unless the student has been granted permission to self-monitor/self-medicate. 

Parent Responsibility

  1. Deliver the requested permission forms and/or medical orders with medication and/or proper equipment for medical procedures to the school. 

  2. Inform the school of any changes in the student’s health condition, medication, or medical procedure. 

  3. Update ACSD forms annually or when there is any change in the medication or medical procedure. 

  4. Pick up unused medications or medical supplies within one week of discontinuation or the last day of school for students, whichever comes first, after which time the medications will be destroyed. 

  5. Provide no more than a thirty (30) day supply of medication to the school. Controlled substances are required to be counted upon delivery for inventory documentation by the parent/guardian and the school nurse or designee. 

  6. Be responsible for medication/equipment until it is received by the principal or his/her designee.  

School Responsibility

  1. Safely assist students with medication or performance of medical procedure.

  2. Communicate with the parent any problems or issues relating to administering medication or medical procedures. 

  3. Destroy medicine according to policy one week after discontinuance of medication or at the end of the school year, if not reclaimed by parents.